I can't wait to tell you all about a fun little project me and Vix have got planned!
Since stepping out on this making my own clothes journey there's been one obstacle that I've had to try really hard to over come. "What is it Bex??" I hear you cry. Well, my friends, I'll tell you. The one thing that I've found the hardest to get my head around is the terrible photos that pattern designers put on the front.
Now, I don't mean to slate modern pattern makers, I know for a fact that a HUGE amount of work goes into getting a pattern ready to go...BUT...does every picture on the front have to be a cringe worthy & poorly styled?? Take a look at the front of this Simplicity pattern (I managed to look past the picture on the front and was able to see how I could make the trousers to fit into my style).
It's not good is it? I consider myself no fashionista but what's going on with the half tucked in stripey top? and the weird 'hot dog style' (a phrase coined by my good pal Annah from Girl&Bird) strip down the legs? and the flesh colored stiletto shoes?
I probably shouldn't complain really, there are some really really brilliant pattern makers who are knocking the ball out the park in the style stakes (100 Acts Of Sewing, Tilly and The Buttons, Merchant & Mills and Liesel & Co to name a few). It's a good exercise for my imagination anyway. Which brings me onto the exciting project me and Vix are beginning.
A while back Vix stumbled across a big box of clothes making magazines from the 80's, the ones with all the pattern pieces and instructions. After showing me her wonderful bounty we decided it would be a perfect opportunity to re-visit the 80's patterns and bring them up to date. The set we're using is called Make It Easy, there are some real corkers in there! With a bit of imagination and the right fabric I'm certain that you wouldn't be able to tell their original origins. We're going to blog all about our adventures in 80's dressmaking, the highs, the lows, and everything else in between.
So without further ado, I present a small selection of some of the 'incredible' patterns we're going to re-make:
And, if all else fails at least me and Vix will be able to pretend we're in The Baby Sitters Club.
Watch this space for me trips to the 80's wardrobe.