Monday, 4 May 2015

Me Made May

So...if you walk in similar circles to me then you probably all ready know about Me Made May. It was set up by So Zo What Do You Know 
The idea is that throughout the month of May you try your best to wear clothing and accessories made by you. It can be a handmade necklace through to a pair of hand knit socks. Some people are proper bastions of the handmade wardrobe community and are clever enough to wear a handmade garment every day like the super talented and inspiring Sew DIY
Now I'm pretty new to this seamstress business but I've decided to give it a go, I'm not going to be crazy strict on myself, I know there will be days when I wont be able to manage (but I like to think that on those days I'll at least have one of my necklaces on)
The last few months I've really stepped up the clothe sewing game, and slowly but surely I'm beginning to decipher the confusing world of dress making.
I couldn't have started getting into at a better time, my good pal (and sewing partner in crime) Vicki from Vicki Brown Designs  is also picking up the pace on the garment making front. It means our runs (yes...that's right we run...) are now full of chats about patterns we want to sew and fabric we want to buy. We've got a brilliant series of blog posts lined up for you...more on that to come soon (although there's a sneaky peak below in the picture of the top with blue sleeves)
So without further ado here's some of my most recent makes:

Yellow Top: View B from Simplicity 1364, made in an acid yellow cotton blend.
Top Right: Boxy Tee from The Purl Bee, made in a coral and aqua cotton blend
Middle: A Boat Necked Top (Long Sleeve Version) from Make It Easy, made in a jersey blend.
Bottom: View A from Simplicity 1364, made in a cotton fish scale/scallop print.

Until next time!


  1. That yellow top is absolutely beautiful. Such a great colour for the summer!

  2. I'm not sure if my first comment went through but I have to say thank you!!! for finding my me-mades inspiring. It really means a lot. I love following your diy's on IG and I hope that you find a lot of joy in your new sewing adventures. I also love that yellow top-navy skirt combo!
